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Top500 de 1 numara olan sistemin ozelliklerinden bir enstantane memory e bakin islemci sayisina bakin.

System Summary
System Name: BlueGene/L
System Family: IBM BlueGene/L
System Model: eServer Blue Gene Solution
Computer: eServer Blue Gene Solution
Vendor: IBM
Application area: Not Specified
Main Memory: 32768 GB
Installation Year: 2005
Processors: 131072
__________________________________________________ ___________

Buda (NASA advanced Supercomputing division) da bulunan super computer ozellikleri:



Columbia System Facts

Based on SGI® NUMAflex™ architecture
20 SGI® Altix™ 3700 superclusters, each with 512 processors
Global shared memory across 512 processors

10,240 Intel Itanium® 2 processors
Current processor speed: 1.5 gigahertz
Current cache: 6 megabytes

1 terabyte of memory per 512 processors, with 20 terabytes total memory

Operating Environment
Linux® based operating system
PBS Pro™ job scheduler
Intel® Fortran/C/C++ compiler
SGI® ProPack™ 3.2 software

SGI® NUMAlink™
InfiniBand network
10 gigabit Ethernet
1 gigabit Ethernet

Online: 440 terabytes of Fibre Channel RAID storage
Archive storage capacity: 10 petabytes

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