
Bu seferki buton örneğimiz windows butonlarını andırıyor.

<HEAD>..</HEAD> arasına eklenecek kod :


<!-- Begin
var button = new Array();
var action = new Array();
var buttonWidth = new Array();

/////////////////////// BEGIN OF EDITABLE SECTION /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Edit this for your buttons text and actions.
// You can add or remove as much buttons as you want.
// Just be sure to use "button[number]", "buttonWidth[number]" and "action[number]"
// for each button, using the same button number for the three variables!
// Text format is: '...text...<u>underlined_letter</u>...text...';
// Important: Underline just ONE letter and be very carefull from
// NOT to use the same letter for more than one button!!
// Try also not to use letters that already have a function under
// the browser (i.e. If you use "e", you'll activate your button
// AND the already asigned combination for "EDIT" menu.)
// In the time you need to refer to some button on other scripts, each button
// has an id based on "bnumber". For example, button 1 has the id "b1".
// Let's use 5 buttons for this example:

button[1] = '<u>Y</u>ahoo';
buttonWidth[1] = 150; //This is the button's width, in pixels.
action[1] = function () {
// Place here you actions for button 1:
// End of actions for button 1.

button[2] = '<u>A</u>ltavista';
buttonWidth[2] = 150; //This is the button's width, in pixels.
action[2] = function () {
// Place here you actions for button 2:
// End of actions for button 2.

button[3] = '<u>J</u>donanimmerkezi';
buttonWidth[3] = 150; //This is the button's width, in pixels.
action[3] = function () {
// Place here you actions for button 3:
// End of actions for button 3.
button[4] = 'Ntv<u>m</u>snbc Haber Portalı';
buttonWidth[4] = 150; //This is the button's width, in pixels.
action[4] = function () {
// Place here you actions for button 1:
// End of actions for button 1.

/////////////////////// END OF EDITABLE SECTION /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Don't edit bellow or you could get errors! //

function placeButton(value) {
if (button[value]) {
if (button[value].indexOf('<u>') != -1) {
document.write('<button id="b'+value+'" style="Width : '+buttonWidth[value]+'px ; Height : 22px" onClick="action['+value+']()"><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1">'+button[value]+'</button>');
} else {
alert('You didn\'t specify the underlined letter for the button number '+value+'. This button cannot be placed until you specify the underlined letter by using <u> and </u> tags.');
} else {
alert('You are trying to place the button number '+value+', but you didn\'t declare its values on the variables area. \r\rThe button '+value+' will not be placed until you specify the variables "button['+value+']" and "action['+value+']".');

document.write('function myfocus(n) {');
for (a=1; a<button.length; a++) {
document.write('if (n=='+a+') {document.all.b'+a+'.focus()}'); } document.write('}'); document.write('<'+'/script>');

function chkKey(evt) {
var mykey, alt, ctrl, shift;
if (window.Event) {
mykey = evt.which;
alt = (evt.modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK) ? true : false;
ctrl = (evt.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) ? true : false;
shift = (evt.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) ? true : false;
} else {
mykey = evt.keyCode;
alt = evt.altKey;
ctrl = evt.ctrlKey;
shift = evt.shiftKey;
if (mykey!=0 && mykey!=16 && mykey!=17 && mykey!=18) {
if (alt) {
for (i=1; i<button.length; i++) {
ui = button[i].indexOf('<u>');
ul = button[i].substring(ui + 3, ui + 4).toLowerCase();
if (String.fromCharCode(mykey).toLowerCase() == ul) {
return true;
if (window.Event) {
document.onkeydown = chkKey;
} else {
document.onkeydown = function() {
return chkKey(event);
// End -->

<BODY>..</BODY> arasına eklenecek kod :





NOT : Butonlarda kimi harflerin altının çizilebildiğine dikkat edin. 8) in yerine 8parantez yazacaksınız. Smillerin kısayolları ile çakıştığından bu şekilde görünmekte.